
Cancellation, Returns and Refund Policy

Cancellation, Returns and Refund Policy

Cancellation, Returns and Refund Policy

A. Cancellation Policy

1. Order Cancellation

1.1 Doctor Consultation

Online doctor consultation booking can be cancelled at any time up to 1 hour before the scheduled call. The cancellation can be done using CureEZ app.  The email can be used for assistance in cancelling if needed,

1.2 Medicines and Healthcare Products

CureEZ does not enable any sale of medicines or healthcare products. Suitable policies will be added as and when these services get started.

1.3  Diagnostics /Lab Test

A diagnostic/ lab test can be cancelled anytime unless it is marked ‘Sample Collected’ by the third-party phlebotomist. Otherwise, you can refuse sample pick up at the collection location and a refund will be processed as per the Refund Policy.

1.4 Home healthcare services

A home healthcare service can be cancelled at any time giving notice for a minimum of 1 week or as specified in the individual home healthcare agreement.

B. Return Policy

1. What is the time period for return of orders

1.1 Medicine Orders

CureEZ does not provide medicine online. This policy will be put in place if and when CureEZ starts online medicine delivery.

C. Refund Policy

Refunds happen for cancelled online doctor consultation, lab test at home and home healthcare services. Please note that the refund amount mentioned at the time of return on the Platform is an estimate and will be finalized after the completion of verification.

The amount will be refunded within 7 working days.

Method of Payment

Refund Timeframe (after successful verification from third party pharmacy/ vendor)

CureEZ wallet

1-2 business day

Online refund

7-10 business days subject to the bank turnaround time and RBI Guidelines.

The User understands and acknowledges that we reserve the right to claim back any refund that has been processed by us as a result of fraudulent activities such as the return of wrong products or the wrong quantity of the products.