
Home Healthcare Partners

Home Healthcare Partners

Home Healthcare partners

Are any of these Challenges Bothering your Home Healthcare business?

• Are you facing problems while competing with larger brands? 
• Are you being branded as unorganized part of home healthcare market? 
• Are you facing problems in establishing your reach online? 
• Is your operation capacity limited by geographical boundaries? 
• Are you facing problems in acquiring new customers?
• Are you facing limitation in integrating technology into your business? 
• Is customer retention a big problem to you? 
• Is scaling your business a problem to you?

Do you want to be part of Home Healthcare Revolution?

The Indian home healthcare market was valued at $5.2B in 2019 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 19% to $11-13B by 2022. Some of the driving factors contributing to this growth includes the following:

• India’s increasing elderly population from 8% in 2015 to 19% by 2050.
• Increased burden of chronic lifestyle diseases, wanting continues care.
• Increased investments in Health Tech space.

• Patients’ choice for home-based healthcare post covid-19 pandemic. 
• Patients’ realizing cost-effectiveness of home healthcare services. 

home healthcare

Join CureEZ to Leverage the Opportunity, to Grow

Let’s collaborate for better results and Advantages to Our customers and our business

Advantage passed to the Business

• Access to larger market share. 
• Reduced cost of customer acquisition. 
• Being part of organized sector of home healthcare market. 
• Being able to scale business online. 
• Tech-driven CureEZ platform to manage customer relations. 
• Easy reorder, reminders and medicine information

Advantage passed to the Business - CureEZ
Home health care services

Advantage passed to the Consumer

• Access to cost-effective care. 
• Continuity in care from the comfort of their home. 
• Assured quality care.
• Tech-driven CureEZ platform to manage their health. 
• Benefit of choice from a range of service providers.
• Adoption of Best Global Practices

Partner with CureEZ

A intelligent platform that provides easy and intuitive audio, video, chat-based consultation between doctor and patient. We aim to make available the healthcare specialization of the metro cities to the class B and C cities and villages.  It enables seamless online ordering of medicines and Pharma such supplies  from the comfort of one’s home.

Come join us in technology powered “make life easy” initiative for the patients.

Please fill out this brief form to connect and kick-start the partnership